Mama Shelbs

To Hartford High School student athletes and parents,

My name is Michelle Morse, aka, Shelby and Mama Shelbs. I am a mom of two boys, both former student athletes at Hartford High School.

When I was a full time working parent with kids playing sports, I think about how busy we were and remember how overwhelming it could be in the day to day school life, practice schedules, sports games and all other student activities. Finding time to support the extra curricular activities and helping out in some way, I managed to do occasionally, but found it hard to find the time and energy!

As I enter this next phase of life without school aged children and those responsibilities, I think about what I can do to make life a little easier for parents and fulfill a desire to nourish and support students like my boys. So I came up with the idea of creating a service in which I make custom meals for away games so your children can have food on the ride home, or before their events. This is to include a meat or vegetarian grinder, sandwich or wrap (PB&J and gluten free also), fresh cut fruit or a yogurt granola parfait, chips or cheese crackers and cookies or protein bar. There will be a link for the menu so students can custom order their food and make payment. I will supply choices of meats, vegetables, condiments and silverware. Orders would be put in by Sunday for the following week’s away games. Meals will be made fresh daily and delivered to the school in coolers each day before buses leave and student athletes can grab their insulated meal bag before leaving school. Meal kit pricing will range from PB&J (2 sandwiches) $14, vegetarian $17, and cold cuts $20.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this opportunity and I hope it will help in a small way, to take a little burden off making sure your student athletes are fed with food they get to choose and you don’t have to make!

Mama Shelbs